RS - Guns and Triggers

465 16 19

Word Count : 997

Warning : Strong language plus talk about firearms.

Headcanon : A hand full of the Hermits have/own guns on the server. All those gun owner hermits have made a separate chat called Ricochet just to try and keep some of the other Hermits from becoming uneasy.

Plot : What happens when one hermit loses their firearm and another hermit; who is unaware of a handful of Hermits owning guns on the server finds said lost firearm?

Main Part Characters : Iskall, Mumbo, Xisuma, Xeno

Mentioned Part Characters
Doc, TFC, Grian, Bdubs, False


Iskall cursed in his native tounge. "Where the hell is it? Where the hell did it go?" Rummaging through his storage frantically, Iskall was close to having a mild panic attack. How could he have been such an idiot for losing something like that?

Finally after his searching proved to be for nothing, Iskall pulled out his comm, typing in a separate chat from the main one.

A chat specifically made for a number of specific Hermits.

Chat --- Ricochet
Iskall85 : Guys, I can't find my gun

Docm77 : What?!

TinFoilChef : How did you lose track of something like that?

XisumaVoid : Let's just help Iskall find his gun before one of the others finds it first and possibly gets hurt.

Person Switch
Mumbo took aim at a creeper with his trident, getting ready to strike it down. "Alright, hold still for me yeah?" Mumbo muttered to himself.

With a very quick swing of his arm, the mustached hermit chucked his trident at the mob as hard and as proficiently as he could.

The creeper hissed and approached.

Mumbo felt his heart jump as his trident returned to him. The Redstoner took a few steps back, slowly taking aim once again. Just going to throw his trident, his foot suddenly slipped from underneath him and he went tumbling down a pretty steep hill.

Shrieking out, Mumbo tumbled down, leaving the creeper at the top of the hill hissing down at him.

The black haired hermit drew out a low sounding groan once he reached the bottom of the hill and stopped. He had taken nearly five hearts of damage from that fall alone.

"Note to self. Check surroundings before engaging in a fight." Mumbo strained out in his mind, slowly picking himself up off the ground.

Once settling on his knees, Mumbo drew in a deep breath then slowly exhaled, feeling that his ribcage had taken a bigger bump than the rest of him.

Placing his arm over his ribs, the Redstoner sat for a moment to allow his health to go back up again. It was here where a small glisten of light caught his eye.

With his attention now seized, Mumbo turned more towards the small light source. Inching forward on his knees, Mumbo reached out and pulled something out of a taller patch of grass.

The item Mumbo had brought up was a shiny, dark grey rectangle box. It had more rectangle shapes over it as well. It had some sort of weird hole on one end of it and a small lever surrounded by a thicker oval.

It took Mumbo a second to realize that what he had was a gun.

With the full image finally set in stone, Mumbo abruptly dropped the weapon and scrambled back and away from it without even fully meaning too.

Ignoring the pain at his ribs, Mumbo took several ragged breaths before managing to pull himself together again.

"Why is there a gun here?"

Person Switch
Xisuma was currently scanning across the entire server for one damn fire arm. Mentally, X knew that he would have to question Iskall further once the Swede's gun was found and received. "Finding the gun comes first." The Admin told himself.

Currently, X was looking for the gun's signal on it's own.

Best case scenario;

No one has found the gun and everything can be played off and continued like nothing happened.

Or worst case scenario;

He has to announce to the rest of the server that some of their closest friends have fire arms.

Xisuma shuttered at that thought. Firearms have been a controversial topic on the hermitcraft server. Hell, some of the Hermits didn't even know how to fire a gun. That alone increased the danger in a situation like this.

Taking a deep sigh, the Admin; with no luck on his best case scenario- swapped his scanners to scan for both the gun's signal with another Hermit's signal.

This signal would detect if a hermit had an unregistered/unlicensed firearm on them or if they had two firearms.

After a mere few seconds of the scan going out, Xisuma's radar lit up with a Hermit's name and Iskall's gun. The name was in red, meaning that this hermit wasn't supposed to have a firearm on them.

The Admin's eyes widened. "Xeno! Comm the others!"

XenoVoid who was in another room in X's base came running up with his comm in hand. "You did? Who? Where?"

Chat --- Ricochet
XenoVoid : We found it

Grian : Who has it

Bdouble0100 : Where are they?

TinFoilChef : Don't cut short. Where is it.

Xeno took one look at the red labeled name, then looked back at his brother with concern written in his eyes. "Ah shit. Eh-Suma. . . "

Xisuma couldn't return the look back at Xeno as he simply stared at the name. "Tell them."

Xeno gave his brother a look. "You sure?"

"Do it before-" Xisuma stopped short as his comm and Xeno's comm both went off with a main chat message.

Chat --- Main
Mumbo Jumbo : Iskall, can you help me?

Iskall85 : Yeah sure. Where are you?

Mumbo Jumbo : [Insert Coordinates Here]

Iskall85 : On my way

Chat --- Ricochet
Docm77 : Are you gonna tell us or not?

FalseSymmetry : Who and where is it?

XisumaVoid : You have Main chat don't you?

Grian : Shit



Kinda short. I'll let you guys think about how Mumbo will react when Iskall gets to him.  :)   Cuz I'm evil like that.


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