Horror Craft RS - Normal Day

238 10 9

Word Count : 1236

Warnings : Horror


The silence was suffocating yet comforting at the same time.

But it wasn't so comforting when everything suddenly became so painful. The slightest movement caused pain to strike through every nerve and through every limb. It felt like the silence was tearing at his soul, trying to burrow into his chest.

Everything felt so heavy. Then everything ignited at once.

He was lying on the dirty forest ground, laying on his back. Immediately the blond shot up and scanned his surroundings.

After mere seconds of searching, Grian saw him.

Standing a small ways from Grian's flatmate was the little boy. Standing with his arms swinging back and forth together in a nice pattern. His bright blue, and very dead looking eyes practically boaring into Grian's chest as he stood with a disturbing sense of calm. His pale lips formed into a confused frown. "Are you alright, mister?" The young one questioned.

Grian could already feel himself shaking, but he couldn't get himself to move away. He had to get Iskall. He couldn't just leave his flatmate here.

The blond little boy continued to stare down the young blond adult as he pathetically crawled towards the other brown haired male.

Once Grian had reached his friend, he shook Iskall's closest shoulder. "Iskall! Iskall!" Grian called. Quickly but carefully rolling Iskall over to inspect for damage or harm.

But there was nothing.

There was no blood. There were no wounds. There weren't any scratches or bruises or huge scars. Iskall looked normal.

Grian let out a few shaky breaths, trying to keep from hyperventilating. He then shakily turned his head back slightly to the little boy who had not taken his eyes off him. "Wha-t. . . Di-d. . . You. . . D-o. . ?"

The young boy cocked his head in an innocent way. "What do you mean?" He asked, as if he expected for Grian to already know.

Grian swallowed, licking his lips before replying more firmly. "What. Did. You. Do."

The boy frowned but replied with an eyeroll. "Uh, duh! You died! So I resurrected you and your friend."

Grian choked at the sentence. It was harsh and cold, yet to the point. He was about to retort but he stopped when Iskall open his eyes in his peripheral vision.

"Iskall!" Grian said aloud in major relief.

The brown haired man let out a string of coughs as the shorter man helped him sit up right. "Grian?" He croaked out.

Grian went and embraced his flatmate, hugging him tightly. He couldn't help his trembling, but he could breathe a minor sigh of relief.

Iskall strained, patting Grian's back. "Grian please- air! I need air-"

Grian flinched, quickly pulling back. "Sorry! Sorry!"

Iskall sucked in several deep breaths. He put a hand to his chest, not exactly feeling right. "Where are we? What happened?"

Grian visibly tensed up as he quickly turned around on his knees to face the little boy again.

But no one was there.

It was just the two flatmates sitting on the forest floor as if they were frightened by something imaginary.

"Gri? You alright?"

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