Trailer's Chapter - #1

364 8 0

Word Count : 1143

Warnings : hinted trauma, blood, gore, death

War To The Watchers

"Xisuma, you are an admin. Admin's don't recruit players to fight their battles."

XisumaVoid snapped around, facing his opposer. "Don't tell me I can't pick my warriors."

The higher tier admin gave X a startled look at the sudden back talk. "XisumaVoid, you want to pick players who are too weak. They won't last long against the two strongest Watchers. Look at them!" The higher tier Admin gestured back to the small care center that had the handful of players still recovering from the Watcher's magic.

Xisuma looked back at the players as well. "I don't see players who are weak, Gabriel." He turned back to his opposer. "I see strong players who managed to live dispite everything going against them!" The lower tier Admin put a hand up to his chest, his hand clenching into a fist. "Gabriel, these players were just robbed of having anything being normal for them. I'm going to give them a chance at revenge and redemption. Whether you support my decision or not."

"Ah! Endermen!"

"Enderman?! Where?!" The tall man screamed, looking around frantically as he held onto his iron sword. The man didn't even sound like a grown adult, even if he was one he had a pretty high pitched voice.

Grian looked at the man confused, holding his diamond sword tightly in his hand as he scooted back and away from the person. "Who are you?!"



"Who's the Admin of this server?" The British man in the full armor suit asked, stepping up from the larger crowd and towards Grian and his friends.

No one spoke.

The british admin looked back warily at his group, or people. These people hardly looked normal, some towered over others, some appeared threatening and scary, appearing like they could squash any of the Evolutionists in an instant.

One of the taller people in the other group, the second tallest, to be exact and the person Grian had met earlier spoke up ever so quietly. "Well there goes first impressions..."


Horror Craft

"Excuse me Misters." A young voice called up.

Iskall and Grian both looked down to where the voice had come from. Standing beside them was a pale looking kid, seemingly at the age of 8 or 9. He had blond hair and sparkling blue eyes with a fancy black vest, white shirt underneath and black shorts on for attire.

The kid spoke again. "My dog ran into the woods and now I can't find him. Mommy and daddy are gonna hurt me again if I can't find my dog soon, will you help me find him?" The kid asked, half on the verge of tears, looking desperately up at the two flatmates.

Hermitcraft Oneshots and A.U'sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें