Cursed Kingdom --- Sneak Peak

253 11 25

Word Count : 1574

👀👀👀👀   Oops- my hand slipped.

UPDATE : This full chapter is now on Ao3 under Powder404! Go find it if you wish!

The huge wooden cart wheels were planted on the ground and the chains around his midsection were starting to get really painful. How long had he been in their captivity? Was it six months? Was it a year? He wasn't exactly sure anymore. But he had been in this weird, pretty court yard since early this morning. 

He could tell that his seller or enslaver wasn't happy about the early time but nevertheless they were both here.

There were people- fancy looking people- passing by the cage he was in. His seller was desperately trying to get their attention. None of them paid him any mind though. He wasn't sure if he should be glad they weren't paying attention to his seller or he should feel insulted that they didn't wanna hear anything about him. 

Nobles continued to pass by. They were pointing to items and other prisoners and they were talking to others in funny, colorful costumes about things that he didn't understand. But they were pointing and describing other prisoners that were also in cage boxes. 

After a while, he turned his head ever slightly to the right. 

More people had begun funneling out of two massive doors. They all must have originally come from inside the huge castle thing. Some people even stopped and turned around, peering inside the castle before continuing their stroll into the courtyard. 

Why they stopped and turned around he would never really know. 

After watching all the people he simply closed his eyes and turned his head down, doing his best to curl up in the most manageable ball he could muster. He thought he felt himself drift off to sleep despite all the bustling people running to and fro. For how long he had gone out he had no idea. 

"Interested in this beaute of a bird, your highness?" 

He opened his blue colored eyes. 

Multiple people were now standing in front of his cage. Four people to be exact, four men. 

There was one with a tan grey, baggy shirt. Black straps held up grey pants and a brown scarf was wrung around his neck. He had brown hair and a beard and he had a black piece of cloth wrapped over his left eye hiding it from view. Though his visible eye was a light brown. 

Standing next to that man was a shorter one. This man was wearing one of those funny costumes that some of the other people were wearing except this one wasn't as colorful and he didn't have as crazy of a hat on his head, simply a fun beanie hat. He had pale skin that had scars littering his cheeks and near to his eyes. His eyes were a brownish green. 

The third man was wearing an outfit that made him look like a mix between a chef and one of those servers with a white shirt and puffy sleeves and one of those aprons tied around his waist. Blond hair sat somewhat unkept on his head and he had strikingly purple colored eyes, even if they weren't as defined. 

The final man was the tallest. He wore much fancier clothing and he stood like he held a lot of power. Sharp black eyes pierced every defence that his blue eyed victim had with frightening ease and this final man was the only one to not break eye contact with him. Black hair was skewed every which way on his head. 

"What kind of bird is… He? She?" The tallest man finally questioned. The other's eyes were now all back on him though he did not return their gazes. 

The seller gave an eager grin, like he had been waiting for someone to ask him that all day. In a way he had been but nobody would have asked him willingly until this particular royal. 

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