RS - Mayoral Massacre

329 15 1

Word Count : 1962

Oof this is a longer one. Careful when continuing please. :)

Warnings : Assassinations, death, blood, gore, trauma


"BREAKING NEWS! Canadite FalseSymmetry has been shot and killed! Who will protect the people now?"

"BREAKING NEWS! New upstart Joe Hills found dead in his home. Police suspect that this was a murder to take Mr. Hills out of the mayoral race for good! Who will save the animals now?"

"BREAKING NEWS! Mayoral Candidate Docm77 killed in a firefight! Police have been unable to capture any of the assassins at the scene. Where will we get our resources now?"

BREAKING NEWS! StressMonster101, Mayoral Candidate of the ×××× election is dead! Is education doomed?"

"COMING UP! Mayoral Candidates GoodTimesWithScar and Mumbo Jumbo both debate off at City Imperium on ××/××/××××. Don't miss it!"

The seconds went by like a heartbeat. It happened too fast and it was so much to take in.

The sound was horrid but it was all too familiar to him.

The color red painted the podium booth where his opponent once stood, splattering across the wooden stage and spraying on all the speech and claim papers that his opponent had at the ready to use against him.

The milliseconds went by then finally the world pulled out of it's slow-mo and returned to normal time once his opponents body hit the stage.

Screams echoed through the imperium as people ducked and ran away.

Returning his attention to his opponent, he stumbled over to the man.

Scar felt his stomach in his throat.

Mumbo had fallen down the step up to the podium. He was laying facing away from Scar, with a pool of blood collecting around his head and seeping into the nice mayoral outfit that was to be worn as a requirement by both parties.

Scar fell to his knees beside the black haired man, pulling against his shoulder.

All background noise immediately faded out.

Planted near the middle of Mumbo's forehead was a clean bullet entrance. Mumbo's eyes were still open as a trail of blood was gradually snaking in between his very dead eyes.

Within his hand was a bloody note card that had words written on it with a black sharpy.

"And the winner of the mayoral race is..."

Scar felt his lips and throat go numb. His cheeks started to tingle; this was when Scar realized he was crying.

He didn't want to win like this. He wanted a fair and proper election! Not an election where all his opponents got killed.

He wanted to throw up. He wanted to scream, but nothing came out. All his opponents were dead and it was all his fault.

It was his fault that Iskall had become lonely again and return to his path of a slow self destruction.

It was his fault that Tango had to have another friend ripped away from him after being forced away from Impulse and Zedaph for so long.

It was his fault that Doc, Bdubs and Ren never got to properly propose to each other even after three years of figuring everything out.

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