WTTW - #1

526 13 0

Word Count : 358

Sorry, this is an extremely short chapter for the start of an A.U.

The smoke and dust was still in the air, hundreds of players were rushing towards Admins as they raised their hands to signal that they were ready for a new player to come forwards. The lingering of broken code also remained, much to the Admins and hosts horror and distaste.

Admins were taking serious cases of players, such as those who were dying from Watcher poisoning to those who were becoming cursed.

Host's were taking on smaller things, such as replenishing health bars and healing wounds via admin controls outside their servers portals.

Xisuma was one of those Admins, trying to fix any players that came up to him with serious wounds and damage done to them. "Alright someone come up next, please! Make it quick!" He announced.

Three people came up, two were holding up their friend who appeared paralyzed.

Xisuma scanned over the middle person. "Coding is missing. Binds and keys have been reset." He internally thought before drawing up his Admin bar and fixing all the players binds. Just as he was finishing the poor players binds, another admin, a higher tier one flew over. "XisumaVoid, there is a case that requires your full attention."

X blinked, finishing with the current player he was on before looking at the other Admin, Gabriel. "Gabriel? I've got a line to finish! I can't just leave."

Gabriel didn't seem to be wanting any talk back. "A more advanced host will cover your line, XisumaVoid. But right now a child's life is on the line."

Xisuma winced at the statement. He sent the three who had come up away before looking apologetically at some of the front people in the line. He then flew up to meet the higher tier admin. "Lead me to them."

Without hesitation, Gabriel turned and flew back from where he came from, X following swifty behind him as a host took over Xisuma's place just as promised.

Ok again I apologize, I promise I'm going to add to this, I just needed a starting place for this A.U.

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