RS = The Guardian Accident

255 9 4

Word Count : 1772

Requested By : Orphan_Slayer & biggybigbigb

Warnings : Angst, mild violence, accidently shooting your friends, swears.

Ah shit bois I'm back- I swear I've been trying to finish requests- but I've been lowkey struggling cuz I fell back into another older fandom- welp-

After an accident with the guardians, Impulse is corrupted and cursed by an Elder Guardian spell that causes him to fire out the deadly beams from his eyes at whatever and whoever he looks at. 

While trying to find a cure with the help of his friends, Impulse must try to keep himself in check and try his best not to hurt his fellow hermits or himself in the process of searching for the cure. It's easier said than done. 

The guardian wails continued to fill Impulse’s ears. They were loud out of water and they hurt his ears, but the resources that they gave to his peers and himself were so useful that it would be a waste to just leave them be. 

Guess someone had to get their hands a bit more slimy than others. 
Impulse was currently trekking around his base with a chest in his hands and held close to his midsection. His base was a mess but he was in the process of cleaning it up and organizing it. 

Bringing the chest over to the desired location he wanted its new location to be- Impulse set it down next to another and it automatically flipped into a double chest. 

With a pleased smile, the hermit placed his hands on his hips and stood straight. Looking up along the very tall wall of storage stock he had in his mega base. 

“Perfect,” Impulse exclaimed to no one. “Now all it needs is a bit of decoration to make it feel homey and put to good use and we’ll be good to go!” 

Turning on his heel, Impulse was about two steps away from his completed storage wall when the distinct sound of shattering of glass reached his ears. 

His light brown eyes widened at it. He knew that that was not any good at all. Guardians were a pain to kill, especially all by yourself on Hard Mode. 

Impulse's first instinct was to reach for his comm- which he had left in his bedroom. He really pulled a not prepared card this time. 

The hermit bit his bottom lip as he contemplated his options. With a double check of himself and his inventory, Impulse found that he was fully armed and kitted out, but if the situation got out of hand he would be in some serious trouble. 

Biting his lower lip, Impulse decided that it was best to deal with the situation as quickly as he could. The worst that could possibly happen is having to take a couple trips through respawn, right? Along with a couple of scoldings from Tango and Zedaph about him not being prepared. 

The ZIT member chuckled to himself. “Man, I really live up to my name, don’t I?” He told himself before drawing out his sword in his main hand and a stack of cobble blocks in his off had. 

He’d be quick. He’d fix the issue and then there would be no other doubts about it. 

Hesitating only once more, Impulse shook his head then turned on his heel and headed in the direction of the now very audible and clear shrieking sounds of freed guardians. 
What was the worst that could possibly happen? 


Jessassin drew out a low whistle as he watched the final trump card get placed down for the eighth time by the same hermit. “That’ll crown ya king of gambling.” 

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