RS = Grumbo Angst (Villain + Hero Universe)

311 18 7

Word Count : 1646

Requested By : TooManyInsideJokes

Warnings : Relationship warning, down talk, few curses, domestic fights.

Note : Ya boy author here actually cried during the making of this fic- which is something I've actually never done until now sooooooo- good luck-


“How can you not want justice for the wrongful murders of both our sons?!” Shouted Grian’s equally enraged ‘ex’. 
Grian’s jaw clenched down, hard. His teeth gritted together and his face was starting to go numb as a stream of tears made themselves known. The winged hero’s hands were balled into fists and all his anger and frustration was being focused at the one person who could’ve prevented everything. 

“Don’t you dare come at me and claim that I didn’t care about our sons.” Grian snapped back. Tears freely flowing down his face. “Especially when you fully know that you could’ve done something.” 

That reply earned Grian an offended sounding laugh. “Oh please, you’re being pathetic.” 

“Me?” Grian demanded back, half choking on his words, half trying to raise his voice to match his ‘ex’s’ volume level and keep up. “I’m not the one who’s acting like a complete psycho, Mumbo!” 

Mumbo Jumbo, Tyrannical overlord of Retro-Sunn, the Technician- all of those names applied as the much taller man snapped back to the shorter man in a flash. “Psychotic? This- is psychotic to you? You of all people who’s a murderer just like me?” The young dictator turned away once again and threw his hands up like a mild shrug. 


Grian gave a weak- half sounding laugh that sounded like his own version of disbelief. “Oh of course, I’m unbelievable to you. You know what you are, Mumbo?” 

The Technician gave an audible scoff. “What?” 

“You’re a fucking hipocrite.” 

Mumbo’s weight shifted on the floor as he turned once again to his ‘significant other’ and went still and deathly silent. 

“You want to create a better image for yourself and Retro-Sunn after the Hell that you brought them through. After you executed the murdered of generations under you. And now you claim you want ‘justice’?” 

Mumbo’s red eyes narrowed to a dangerous looking degree. “How dare you-” 

“What? Put our sons’ lives at the same level at everyone else's? Make them as equal as those who you claim are beneath you?” 

The two stood in the further increasingly shadowy room. Neither dared a step closer to the other as they both knew what would happen if they even tried. 


The silence was disturbing but the dark accompanying it made it even more so. Sitting back to back were two men. Two men who had been arguing and venting anger by yelling at each other for nearly six hours. 
Both men were exhausted; too tired to even try to cry but still too angry to even face each other to embrace the other. They were told they would never work out together. They were told that they’d clash too much to operate as a functioning couple.
They proved those people wrong. 

Until it all fell apart. 

Secrets were split, lives were lost, trust was shattered; and in the end- they both lost their sons, Georgie and Jamison.

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