RS = Watchers (Try To) Invade Hermitcraft

379 26 41

Word Count : 1849

Requested By : RachelGreenery

Warnings : Y'all know the drill.

This is semi-crack and idk what I- or anyone else- is gonna do about it.

The Watchers try to get onto the Hermitcraft server. But what they gaze into just as they are getting ready to attack looks like hell on earth more than an actual functioning server… 

"Eh-Suma," A quiet voice called out, grabbing the Admin's attention.

Xisuma looked up from his Admin console and peered forward. Squinting into a more shady area of his base, he cocked his head to the side. "Xeno? What are you doing?"

Xisuma's twin brother XenoVoid, stepped closer and came into the light. He was wearing his usual battle armor that was dyed red instead of green. His helmet however was tucked under his arm.

Red eyes locked with X's blue ones.

"We've got a serious problem," Xeno started. "Its the Watchers. They have plans to attack our server."

The Hermitcraft Admin flinched and made his consoles disappear. Xeno now fully had his attention. "What? Why are they attacking us? We haven't done anything to them."

Xeno's face twisted into an unknown expression to Xisuma and shook his head. "You know as much as I do. But I can only assume that it's because of Grian's history with them."

Xisuma clenched his hands into fists. "If they want to try and take him, they'll go through me first." He threatened.

Xeno looked unphased, however, and remained ever deadpanned. "I know, brother. But now you need to prepare your server."

The Admin licked his lips from behind the gas mask part of his helmet. He turned his head down and stared at the floor as he thought.

After a moment of silence, Xisuma looked back up at Xeno. "Send out a comm to all the Hermits."

Xeno frowned and put his helmet back on over his head. "A comm saying what?"

"Operation Sugar Bomb."

Xeno recoiled slightly and looked at his twin with a perplexed and shocked expression.

"May the gods save us all."

= Person Switch and Time Skip =

Grian quickly flew to Scar's base. Having woken up to a message in his comm saying only the following-

"Opperation Sugar Bomb",

There was- without a doubt that the e.x Watcher had multiple questions. He had originally flown to Mumbo and Iskall's bases, but neither were there.

Their beds were a mess. Some of their more common items that they had on them were still in chests and whatever Redstone systems they had running were off. Those things alone helped Grian deduce that they seemed to have taken off in a big hurry.

But now he was trying to figure out why.

Landing in Scar's Enchanted Jungle, Grian quickly sprinted toward Lary the snail.

"Scar? Scar!" Grian called out.

Getting the latter that led up inside of Lary into sight, Grian spied GoodTimesWithScar moving hastily around between different chests that had been scattered about. Scar otherwise didn't turn his head up or acknowledge Grian's presence.

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