HC's - #8 - "Nessecary" Tests

482 20 59

Word Count : 995

Tests done for "scientific" purposes.


The Hermits when they're drunk

XisumaVoid - More derpy and clumsy. Any pretty adorable.

Zombie Cleo - She ain't no light weight. She can drink a fair amount and only lose a bit of her thought process.

iJevin - He's a flirty fuck.

xBCrafted - Usually he's out after 3 drinks. The others playfully tease him about being a light weight.

Jessassin - Just silent. But he gets flustered easier.

TFC (Selif1) - Becomes mute. Doesn't say anything while drunk. He becomes a bit more grumpy though.

VintageBeef - Clingy. He's just clingy. He'll cling to anyone.

Welsknight - "I'm not a think as drunk I am!"

Biffa2001 - Laughs a lot. He also gets really loud and really flirty.

Joe Hills - Simply sits in a corner, muttering to himself. No one knows exactly what he mutters about.

Docm77 - He's almost not affected by alcohol. He just simply becomes more alert and upright. His self control goes up to maximum when he starts to drink anyways.

RenDog - A literal emotional angel. He cannot have anything to drink because one minute he'll be having the time of his life, then the next he'll just be sobbing on the floor over something that happened five years ago.

Bdouble0100 - He just passes out in anyone's arms.

Ethoslab - Also clingy, but more aggressively clingy. Like- don't even try to escape from his hugs.

GoodTimesWithScar - Cries. Just cries.

Cubfan135 - Similar to Doc, but he becomes a bit more snarky than alert.

Stress Monster101 - Acts like she's on an hour of sleep after pulling multiple all nighters in a row. Kinda air headed.

Keralis - Can't shut up. But he sounds like a sexy Mafia boss so who would want him to shut up?

TangoTek - Destructive and kinda dumb. His base brain cell amount drops to about negative six brain cells.

Zedaph Plays - Falls asleep after about five drinks.

ImpulseSV - He questions his life choices then hugs Zedaph and Tango and cuddles them. Usually it's on accident but there were some times where it was completely intentional.

PythonGB - "I have knife hands-"

Hypnotized - "Wow life is just so great right now. I'm just like- woooow." He pretty much acts like he's stoned when he's just drunk.

GrianMC - He's actually pretty good at keeping his thought process clear. He just stumbles and trips a bit more. Grian also is more prone to doing more stupid stuff than usual.

Iskall85 - Either falls silent or laughs loudly. It depends who he's with when he gets drunk.

Mumbo Jumbo - No one knows what he's talking about or laughing at. It's like he gets transported to another dimension.

FalseSymmetry - Kinda gets emotional, ngl. But she does good at not getting to that point.

Hermit's Responses to being booped on the nose
XisumaVoid - Simply questions what happened; then continues on with his day.

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