Modern Mob School - #1

462 18 4

Word Count : 1576

Grian was standing in the center grounds to his high school, Akademi High. He was standing near a tree next to his friend Taurtis listening to some other boys of the group they had joined ramble on about how crappy homework was. There were 3 other boys with Grian and Taurtis.

"I wish homework wasn't even a thing man!" One of the ring leaders friends said.

The ring leader of their group, Tyler scoffed and nodded in agreement. "I know right? It blows."

Tyler's second buddy nodded in agreement. "Mhm, got that right."

Tyler then went and clapped his hands together. "Anyways, besides homework, anyone got any of the latest information and news?"

Eyes turned to Taurtis, who spoke. "Well, there's apparently a new kid coming to school later today. People say their a genius though."

"Odd for someone whos intelligent to return to school." Grian let out a huff. "If the persons a genius why are they coming here?"

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Any comments on the persons appearance? Like, what do they look like?"

Tyler's friend went and punched him in the arm. "Bro, a new kid comes to our school, you haven't even met the person and you're already trying to size them up?"

"I'm just scoping everything out!" Tyler replied, dramatically putting a hand over his chest.

Taurtis shook his head. "Some of the appearance comments I've heard of is that they have black hair and their tall like an Enderman. They also dress really fancy all the time."

Grian sighed. "Oh boy, another rich kid. Like we don't have enough of those." He said sarcastically. "Ouch, that hurt to say. The hell did I say that for?"

Tyler and his friends all laughed while Taurtis merely gave him a look. "Grian, you don't even know the person yet. It's wrong to make judgments about them now." Taurtis gave him that kind of look.

Grian said nothing in response to the look and his facial expression didn't change either. "Yeah... I deserve that look, I know."

Tyler spoke up again after his laughter died down. "Aw man, that was good, G." He wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.

One of Tyler's friends, Thomas, the one that punched Tyler, spoke up. "So, male or female?"

Taurtis gave a heavy sigh. "People are hoping the kid's a female but that's unlikely."

Grian sort of tuned everything else out as he thought to himself before the bell rung to signal that it was time for classes to start.

Time Skip
"Hey G!"

Grian paused and turned around, seeing Taurtis running up towards him. He smiled and waved. "Hey Taurtis, what's up?"

The black haired boy gave a smile back. "A lot of students are saying that the new kid is in the office now checking everything out."

Grian perked up slightly. "Oh really? Have you gotten a look at them yet?"

Taurtis shook his head. "Not yet. I came to see if you wanted to see the person with me!"

Grian chuckled slightly. "Sure, why not."

With that, the black haired boy grabbed Grian's wrist and headed off. "Come on then! Quickly! Or we might miss them!"

Grian jolted, following his friend down the hall towards the office.

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