Day 403

7 1 0

21 January 2018

It's approximately early morning to early mid-day.
If you find this...well... I hope you made it longer then I did.

Last night after waking everyone up; we all agreed that it would be best to stay quiet so that whoever it was outside didn't find us in our house. We didn't want what happened with my uncle to happen again. We waited a few minutes and eventually it went quiet outside; but it didn't stay that way for long. We had grabbed our things quietly in case we needed to make a run for it and hid in Oliver's room when we heard the front door get kicked in. I had put my diary in my bag small school bag before I woke everyone up. Because apparently I still needed my diary, possibility of people finding us and being worse than the ones that we just escaped? Oh yeah don't forget you diary when you run away! Moron...Whoever it was couldn't have known we were there and were obviously searching the house for something. They had kicked in the front door and had stormed the house and would eventually find us. There was yelling so we tried to sneak out a back window; we made it a few yards from the house through the back yard before they spotted us. It was my uncle and his men. They had come looking for us. He was yelling at Jess and I to come back. They didn't care about the guys...he just wanted us. Maybe we should have just gone back then none of this...would have happened. I did it again. We managed to get into some bush land just as they started firing at us. Not all of them had guns but the ones who did...I guess you could say they knew how to aim well. They shot Jess in the leg. The bullet went right through though. We didn't get very far before things went from bad to worse. All the noise from the cars, screams and guns had brought with it a new threat. The bush was littered with Zoms and we had to both dodge those and flying bullets.

We...we managed to find an old wear-house and we were making our way towards it to hide out in there. Because both Jess and I weren't in the right sort of shape to be running. But if I had of been...if I hadn't of gotten my selfhurt. Then maybe he...he would still.

We were trying to get to the wear-house and we could hear my uncle's men following us and come across the same problem we had. They were still firing but more so at the zom-noms then us anymore. And we were almost there. We were so close. We were right at the edge of the tree line. When they got him. A bullet tore straight through him because he was helping me get away. It's my fault. My uncle wanted me and I didn't go to him. I was hurt and he was helping me. Me, me, ME! It's my fault again! He died it's my fault! I broke my promise! I do nothing but destroy!  It should have been me who got hit NOT him! Not...not Nathan. It's my fault everyone is dying.

There was so much blood and I couldn't stop it. I tried to drag him with me. Oliver went on ahead with Jess because he couldn't carry us both at the same time. I thought maybe if I could just get him to the building we could patch him up. Stop the bleeding, like they did for me. They would have to have stuff in there we could use. If I could survive a head injury he could survive a gunshot right? I'm a fucking idiot.

I can't do this...I can't do this without him. I can't do this anymore. This is way too much. I CAN'T, I can't.

He died in my arms. He was so warm and then he just... went so cold and so still. I'll never forget the look on his face. The moment he realized he was dying. The moment he realized that I knew I couldn't do anything. And the look he gave me just before he died. That's the look I need to remember, but in all honestly if your reading this. I'm probably dead. We are surrounded at the moment. The fighting outside ended a few hours ago between those men and the dead. It's just the dead banging on our walls now. And this place won't hold up much longer; there are way too many for it to hold its form. Windows keep shattering and soon enough they'll be inside. The three of us are stuck here. What do we do? What can we do? There are a few things we can use as weapons I guess. Olly still has my sledge hammer and Jess found a hammer. Though we still have the golf club as well. Guess I get the hammer since I'm less coordinated...maybe we should play scissors paper rock for the weapons? Haha. Olly wants to try making a run for it. I don't know how far we will get but anything is better than sitting here and giving up. Nathan didn't want me to give up...

If...if there is actually someone still alive out there; and you're reading this.

My name is Akela Sutton and I'm 17 years old.
I loved my mum and dad and my family.
My best friend in the whole world was Oliver Prescott. And he fell in love with a man named Sebastian Roi-De-La-Glacé.
I had a sweet friend named Kena.
A dag of a friend who I'd do anything for named Jade but went by Sparky.
An overly hyperactive friend who sexualised jokes whenever she got the chance named Lorrile who we called Lolly. And her male counterpart Stefan who'd always been a bit of a larrikin.
I use to have an enemy named Barbie 2.0 who became my sister Jessica.
I had two wonderful ankle bitters I cared for and loved to death named Nancie and Cory Prescott.
And I fell in love with the most amazing person I will ever meet. His name was Nathan McFarland.

This will be the last time I write in you dear diary. Thank you for being there for me and for being more than just an in adamant object.

I have to's time. Bye Diary.

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