Day 114

5 1 0

8 April 2018
Sunday 7:45pm

So I ended up with plan B... I'm in the Yamanto news agency  looking for that referdex I was talking about getting yesterday. I was searching for ages over closer to the house but the only one I found was full of dead people. Yeah I know this is stupid as fuck but what else am I gonna do? I may have lived in Ipswich my entire life but that doesn't mean I know my way around all of its suburbs! This is one of the few agencies that I know of and it's empty at the moment, how do I know this? Because I'm sitting in it...I closed the door and the shutters and I'm in the back room at the moment with the stupid referdex. I've always hated these things. There too heavy and have too much information, unfortunately for me if I don't use my phone battery sparingly I won't have a phone to use. So no Google maps...if Google is even working that is. So referdex to tell me where to go it is. Just finding where I am in the first place on this thing is hard, how the hell am I meant to know where to go? I know I should avoid city' I need to leave Ipswich. I know that, but where do I go? Where would Olly go? Somewhere away from large amounts of people. Somewhere hard to find....well I'm fucked. I don't know anywhere like that. And it's not like I can just GO anywhere, there's more than just dead shit out there trying to kill me, almost everything is trying to kill me out there. It's bloody Australia. I can't just go bush walking in some place I don't know! That's just as stupid as walking up to a zombie and saying "dinners served!"

Gosh I'm useless. I can't do anything...
This is just depressing I'm gonna go and flood my brain with words and numbers on the referdex pages and try and figure them out.

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