Day 171

4 1 0

4 June 2018
Monday 2:22pm

We made it back to that IGA, there are still some things left but it definitely looks like someone else has been here. That's good I guess. It means there are other people surviving this thing...I wonder if it's just Australia that's affected to this extent? Maybe other countries handled the first mutation better and were able to stop the second from affecting them? That would be nice. Would mean we just have to have a boat or something and just ship ourselves over to America or Europe...maybe somewhere in Asia? Could get there and pretend for a while that none of this had happened. If anyone found out we had hoped country we might be placed in quarantine, but even quarantine would be better than this.

On a lighter note I found chocolate, so I am DEFINITELY keeping that shit for later. The baking isle had lighters so I grabbed two of them and the garden stuff isle had some fire starter blocks that Nate found, which means we could probably have fires in winter. I took a set of kitchen knives as well because, who doesn't like knives in a zombie apocalypse?

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