Day 238

7 1 0

9 August 2018
Thursday 6pm

I finally got back to work today. I dug my feet in (figuratively of course) and refused to stay house bound any longer. I can walk just fine, there's no swelling or even bruising anymore. I can hardly feel the pain anymore, sure if I purposely do something to make it hurt it still hurts a little, but even then it's not even worth mentioning. So I went back out to start doing normal things again like patrolling the area. Making sure the sound line was still up. Helping some of the other with things they were doing, one of the houses ran out of water so I went down to the river that isn't to far away that someone found a few weeks back. We haven't really needed to touch it so we haven't, there aren't any fish so it's not like we can fish there either. So until it rains again to fill their water tank they'll be using mostly river water.

Nate wasn't happy I started doing things again today, he wanted me to rest longer; but I'm tired of doing that. I'm not some weak little child that needs to sit back and watch as others do the work for me. There's nothing wrong with me I can pull my own load.

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