Day 296

4 1 0

6 October 2018
Saturday 4:32pm

I'm unsure where we are, again...but like last time...and the time before that I stick to my word. IT DOES NOT MATTER IF I AM LOST, as long as Nathan knows where we are. That's what matters, he has the map book after all. Cory is trying to help Nate at the moment with setting up dinner while Nancie and I set up our bed. Our job is much quicker and we are resting at the moment while we wait. We're inside a caravan, we found a little caravan slash camping site; it even has a pool. Though I don't suggest any of us get in there... the water is dark green and there is a body floating in it. No good for swimming or bathing. We do have a proper bed though and there wasn't any blood on it, so bonus! Nancie tried to open up the small fridge in the camper before Nate and I both slammed it shut. She was so confused but no way were we letting this precious safe haven for the night be tainted by evil smells. Who knows what is in that fridge and it's been in there for at LEAST 7 or 8 months. No way is there a pleasant smell waiting in there; Cory had a good laugh at our little commotion. Tonight for dinner we are having stake and veggies! I freaking wish it's baked beans and chips. Still good though in my option, better than nothing. We might stay here a couple of days to rest for the kids. It's pretty remote and other then the pool there aren't any Z's around that we can see. Let's hope it stays that ways for a day or two so the kids can sleep and gain back their energy. We need to re-map again. It's always so much work, mapping is difficult. That's why I hate doing it. It's like maths. That's exactly what it reminds me of MATHS! I hate math's... now that I think about it maybe I should start teaching the kids something's while we are on the road. Can't do a lot for English without books but I can give them math equations to work on in their head. Like zero times one. That's easy! Stuff like that, stuff an 8 and 10 year old should be learning, I can do that no problem!

Dinner time!

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