Day 265

4 2 0

5 September 2018
Wednesday 4:55pm

I went on perimeter check with Liz today for a few hours, it was fun. I've missed having a girl to talk to about...well just things. Nate's great but there are something's that I just can't talk to him about. Like female hygiene, not something that is fun in general and is so much worse now. Hasn't been fun trying to figure out what to do about that, Liz had the same problem but she at least was in a group with other wemon; I wasn't. Anyway not getting into that, but there's other stuff that I can talk to her about that I can't talk to Nate about too; that's just how girl talk works. No boys allowed sort of thing. So we spoke about boys obviously. I told her what happen with Nate on the run and she wasn't entirely shocked she just seemed like she had been waiting for it to happen. She squealed a little... which I found odd at first for her age but she told me she's actually pretty young for a teacher. She is 25 so I guess that is pretty young. Turns out she was married before all this, no kids but she was planning for them she said. I feel bad that her partner is gone now though, she seemed still upset but at the same time I feel like she's moving on and excepting that death at the rate we experience it now is normal. Death was always normal but now death tends to come in numbers and sooner rather than later.

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