Day 179

5 1 0

12 June 2018
Tuesday 12:33pm

It's freaking pouring outside! We managed to find this cute little two bedroom house that wasn't totally destroyed or anything...but not before we got absolutely soaked by the on slaughter of pelting rain. So I am currently sitting in my underwear with a blanket around me waiting from my clothes to dry. I wish this place had like a little wood burner or something. That would help with the cold and drying our clothes off. We are in a back room at the moment me facing one wall, Nate facing another wall I assume because this is embarrassing as hell. My clothes are kinda draped over the ceiling fan in the room, because hot air rises. Last I saw Nathan's were on the end of the bed head. At the very least we aren't still in the storm drain, sitting in gross stuff was enough for me; I don't wanna be swimming in it as well.

Same day 3:42pm

OH GOOD LORDY I TURNED AROUND TO CHECK IF MY CLOTHES WERE DRY AND NATHAN WAS ALREADY UP CHECKING HIS! I saw him without a shirt or pants on! I'm a peeping tom! I didn't mean to I swear! Forgive me lord for I have sinned! Although I have to admit...he's kinda hot without a shir...GOD FOR GIVE ME I AM SINNING AGAIN IN MY BRAIN! I shouldn't be thinking stuff like that it's the bloody apocalypse!...although many would say that this is the perfect time to think about something like that...NOPE GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF GIRL THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. THIS IS NOT A THING THAT WILL HAPPEN. NOT TODAY SATAN NOT TODAY!

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