Day 383

4 1 0

1 January 2019

I live to see another year! You wouldn't think that would usually be a big feat to pull but in this new world it is trust me. We've had to deal with being separated and slowly finding each other again. Yeah there's been a lot of good stuff in the last year like Nate and I getting together and Olly and Seb finding each other. However the more love you have in this world the more heart broken you are when it's ripped away. Like Nancie and Cory. I loved those kids so much and I still do, but whenever I think about them all I feel is sadness and hatred. Sad that they won't get to grow up; angry that they were killed and not even just by the monsters we originally were trying to avoid but by other humans as well! I'm glad Menzies is dead, but I wish it had of been me that drove something through his brain; but being eaten alive is good to I guess. If Stefan and Lolly had only been friends she wouldn't have lasted as long as she had in the first place I don't think. However if she did last that long...she may not have killed herself when Stefan died. Everything that was left of her died when he did. Olly is strong and I know he'll move past loosing Sebastian but his brother may be another story. He may resent me for the rest of his life...however long that is. It's okay though, I'm okay with that. Because I hate me too. In all honesty loosing Jade was almost anti-climatic. It wasn't like I saw her being killed like the others; but I can guess. We ended up back in the town that Jade disappeared in. We thought maybe because we didn't actually see her die, she might have found a way to get away but...we ended up leaving pretty quickly. We found her shirt torn to piece on the ground covered in blood. It was kinda of stupid to think she could have gotten out of there by herself. Because we kept the so called 'cool' sledge hammer I believe I called it. Whenever I miss her I look at the heart she drew on it. It's my little Spark-hammer now.

It's been almost a year now since everything started. In March I think; let me check...yeah March. God reading my old entries is so weird. I was a totally different person back then. They say the world changes people. This one does at the very least.

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