Day 134

5 1 0

28 April 2018
Saturday 7:32pm

Guess what! I found an IGA with some food still left in it! It's been pretty ransacked but I found some canned champagne mushrooms and some peas as well. I put them in my bag for later along with some other things I found. There was also a bottle of water under a chocolate rack, guess it got knocked under there. Ask you can imagine I'm eating some of the perishable foods that will go off sooner rather than later that were left behind. Like a few bags of chips and some chocolate bars. Not good for me in the slightest but it tastes like heaven! I'll probably never get to eat stuff like this again sadly. I found some bottles of sunscreen too and a few vitamins that were knocked to the floor. I managed to find a hat in the kids section as well. Sounds stupid I know but I welcome Barbie upon my head, it's way too hot in Australia and with all the walking I'm doing some protection is gladly taken. I already have a huge sun burn across my face from walking for so long. Of course this place wasn't empty when I got here, there were corpses wondering around in some of the isle, so I had to get them to leave first before I went in. Not all of them left though. So I grabbed what I needed and I'm hiding in the shops bathroom. Maybe I should just live in a bathroom it seems to be where I end up now days. It's at least cleaner then the last one, that one smelled of urine and other unmentionables. There was a back door just a few isles down from the bathroom that lead out the back so I'll head out there when I'm done eating and resting. Today was a good day, totally worth all the walking!

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