Day 355

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4 December 2018

We finished digging the damn whole today. Lolly and Sparky helped me finish. Well...more so Sparky. Lolly kinda just zoned out as she shoveled. The hole is at least 10 foot tall and maybe 10 foot wide as well. They had to pull us out one at a time when we finished. There was no way anyone could get out of it on their own. Not even the guys who pulled us up could get out of it on their own I would bet. What are they going to do with it though? What was the point in a giant hole?

I found a really cool looking sledge hammer though. They made us clean off some tools they used for a supplies run after we finished digging. Cory was already in there cleaning. He looked really pale again today. I'm worried about him.

Sparky drew a love heart on the sledge hammers handle while we were cleaning. She found a nicko pen somewhere, god knows where. Maybe this was her way of rebelling. I just hope they don't get angry about it and take things too far. I've seen enough of that.

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