Day 365

4 1 0

14 December 2018

I made dinner tonight with Jess, my uncle and his girlfriend asked us to have dinner with them at their table. It was weird. Jess and I more or less just stayed quiet unless we needed to speak. I could feel the daggers in my back from Oliver, and I could hear him murmur about us being at Lemuel's table. Stephanie was talking about how she wanted me to call her my aunt now since she was with my uncle and at this point they may as well be married. My uncle was a little unsure at first but he seemed okay with her idea. She then went on about how Jess and I should become best-friends since we were cousins now. Jess and I kinda just side glanced each other before looking back at them. Then they dropped a bomb shell. She wants us to move into our own tent tomorrow and to do work more related to the group rather than the dirty work. My uncle seemed proud? Of this idea, almost like he was trying to promote us for doing good work. I just wanted to vomit and scream and I feel like Jess was the same. We don't want to leave our tent with the guys, THEY are our family not them. We hardly see them as it is, if we leave... we'll never get to see them. We want nothing to do with my uncle and self proclaimed 'aunt'.

However maybe...just maybe if I can get on my uncles good side I can make things easier for them. I can get them better weapons for when they are forced onto supply runs; I could get more blankets for them and necessities for the tent. All things we have been neglected to have unless we came with it. Maybe I can try and make this shitty situation a little bit better, even if it means moving over next to my uncle.

I need to think about this some more and talk to Jess.

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