Day 347

4 1 0

26 November 2018

We couldn't leave. We tried but they stopped us. My uncle went on a big tangent about working together and how selfish we were being after they had taken us in. That we would just use their stuff and leave. We tried to be quiet and leave when no one was watching but it didn't work. Getting Lolly to even move out of the tent in the first place was a problem to begin with and then we got spotted leaving. We are all back in the tent at the moment we have to wait until my uncle comes into talk to us about our jobs for the day.

My watch battery died early the s'morning so there goes any way of knowing what time it is. However I can say its early morning. Maybe once I get outside I'll be able to tell roughly what time it is. Can't be that hard. Sun comes up one side goes down in the a clock. Once it's in the middle of the sky it's mid-day, and so on and so forth. So guessing with that in mind won't be too hard.

Lolly is still in bed. She's gone back into shock again but I think it's worse this time. She's...not even crying anymore. She's just laying there. She was freaking out when she couldn't find him yesterday so...I told her. And she just collapsed to the floor. She didn't scream or anything. Just went quiet. Almost like she just stopped being there anymore. It's really scary watching her just retreat in on herself. She wasn't even angry at us for leaving him there, she wasn't anything. She's just started to become nothing.

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