Day 13

25 1 0

28 December 2017

Thursday 12:46 am

Hey! so not much has been happening since Christmas; it's gotten really boring at home, and Olly, the little weez that he is, just told me how he's going to be away for the next TWO WEEKS! How dare he leave me to my own boredom! Lol, Nah, I'm just joking. Well, not about him leaving for two weeks, but the rest was a joke. Mum and dad have been out working again, so I'm left on my own; I might be able to talk Sparky into coming over and doing something other than shopping; I mean... there's only so much you can buy before you have it all, right? It just comes in different colours and shapes after that... I'll go call her now, talk later!

8:33 pm

I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not anymore to call Sparky... I tried to talk her out of shopping... and somehow, she ended up dragging me shopping with her. Shopping can be boring as hell because once you finish looking at all of the interesting stuff, there is nothing else to do while you wait for whoever you're with to finish whatever they are doing. I didn't really buy much, a shirt here and there; I got one shirt that said 'Free Hugs' with a picture of an animatronic on it; that was pretty much it, though. It's funny how my taste in clothes hasn't changed very much since I was younger. When I first started high school, I liked gaming and things like that, so shirts that had memes or just referred to games were part of my style, and I always thought that when I was in grade 12, I would just turn into this beautiful skinny diva sort of person. Wear things like short shorts and miniskirts and have flawless hair. Like in the movies, but once I got a bit older, I realized that stuff was just in the movies. No one really looks like that, and either way, I like my geeky shirts and style. When I say geeky, I don't mean the typical glasses and braces and pigtails geeky that like to talk about the square root of pi. I'm just a normal person who likes to wear geeky shirts sometimes and play video games. Nothing wrong with that. Anyway, going shopping today for once was a great way to stop me from being broad as hell; after all, I got to watch as Sparky tried to put on a pair of skinny jeans before getting stuck in them and having to have me pull them off her.

Well, I should probably go and see my parents; I heard them come home a few minutes ago. I just wanted to finish writing for today before I went down to them. There's nothing really left to talk about; nothing else really happened today. So I guess I'll just talk to you tomorrow, okay?

Night night diary.

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