Day 20

15 1 0

4 January 2018

Thursday 3:45 am

So... I just got a call from Oliver. Telling me he was awake and that I should be awake as well. He can be so cruel sometimes. Olly's been like this for as long as I can remember; he knows I have trouble sleeping, so if he's awake and can't sleep, he calls me. Sometimes I'm already awake, and then the other times... I'm obviously asleep, and he wakes me up so that he has someone to talk to. Only this time, he spoke to me for about 5 minutes before telling me he was tired and was going to bed, only now I couldn't sleep. I'm not mean enough to call someone and wake them up at this time of night, so I'm just going to talk to you instead, diary. There's not much to talk about, though, because... it's only 4 am... and the day hasn't even begun yet. humm... mum will probably take me to get a new uniform soon. My old one is a little small for me, and I need to get the grade 12 jersey and pin. I can't believe this is my last year of school. No more getting up at 7. No more wearing the same grey and yellow sports uniform or white and blue formal uniform. No more waiting in line at the tuck shop to buy lunch. No more school assessments. No more school. At least... after this year, and then I have to start looking at University or TAFE. What courses do I want to go into and well, I really should be thinking about what I want to do after school. I probably should have started thinking about it a little while ago, but who wants to continually think about what they can be when we already always have to think about what we are doing now? I could do something in I.T or I could go into game design... I love gaming, so maybe that? I heard from my cousin once that coding could be really difficult, so maybe I should think about learning more about that now. Maybe I should have thought about that earlier...

Maybe later, I should look up some courses for game design and coding and stuff. See how much it would cost for those sorts of courses... should I get a part-time job soon? So that I can start to save up for Uni and TAFE and whatnot? And if I do, what sort of job should I get? This is a lot to think about... this is why I don't like being awake with my thoughts at 4 o'clock in the morning. They always get so... real. Sometimes my thoughts get stupid; like one time, I started thinking about what it would be like if there was a giant flood and everyone turned into mermaids and stuff. That thought didn't go far. It would be fun, though.

I'm going to try and go back to sleep again; talk to you later.

6:32 pm

I was talking to mum a bit earlier about what I should do after school is over... and she was absolutely no help at all. she just said the same thing every parent says, "You can be and do anything you want when you grow up, as long as it's not a stripper or a prostitute" to which I promptly asked what if I was a high-end stripper? She gave me one of her 'don't be stupid' faces and refused to give me a voiced answer. Still, it doesn't matter, I guess; I have a whole year to figure everything out.

Well, I'm gonna go play some Halo or something; Bye.

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