Day 39

13 1 0

23 January 2018

Tuesday 5:25 pm

So... the first day of school, check and done. It was great seeing everyone again, and the first thing Sparky, Lolly, and I did was go and walk through the grade 7 area. Everyone was so small. They looked so unsure of themselves and where they were meant to be, and what they were meant to do. Oh, I just wanted to pinch their little cheeks! Some of them were looking at us as if we were giants; some tried to ignore us, you know, the whole stranger danger thing.

After school started and we all were heading off to our classes, we tried to figure out along the way if any of us (and us meaning the whole group) had classes together like last year because some of the classes got moved around a bit. I used to have math with Olly, but now I have to endure it alone. So sad. I might actually cry, no, not really.

A couple of new people got added to our group today, some were welcomed, and some... well... let's just say they are more or less just a stalker really that likes to think she's the IT girl that can just join any group she wants on demand, but this group has more standards then her group does. Yes, we have very low standards, but we still have them! Very... very low... so as I was saying, it turns out Oliver's little friend from the party, Nathan transferred to our school this year. Also turns out Barbie is actually a member of our school (yes, Barbie from the party) and has been for a while; little to her disappointment up until that party, I didn't even know she existed. Oliver seemed quite happy Nathan is now attending our school, and he opened his arms to him hanging out with us whenever he wanted... literally. They had a big bro hug, and Barbie looked like she was about to have a tantrum because all of the attention was on someone else. I'm less than happy that Jessica might be hanging around us more often, as I am sure everyone else in the group is feeling, but hey, Nathan is Olly's friend, and because Jessica is Nathans's friend, we have to at least TRY to be nice to her. No matter how badly I'd like to comment on her typical Barbie face. Let me indulge you into the Barbie world of the bleach blond hair, the big blue eyes, the fake little nails, the bad attitude and the massive ego. You know, the one's that if they jumped from their ego to their IQ, they'd die on impact...yeah...THAT girl. She reminds me of somebody else, actually... I can't remember who for the life of me, though. OH, well, I'm sure it will eventually come to me at some point.

School wasn't too bad though other than that we had the usual 3-hour long assembly; they did welcome to county and acknowledged the original Indigenous owners of the land the school was on, before going on about how we can't smoke at school, no drugs, no drinking, no inappropriate behaviour. They introduced us all to the new teachers and welcomed back all of the old teachers. Spoke about shit that would happen in the first term, played the Australian anthem and then followed it with the school's stupid anthem. Something about being the best school cause we open our gates to all and we love our teachers and our students, and something about working hard? I'm not sure. I don't think anybody really knows what the anthem is other than those who wrote it. I wish they had of just stopped at the Australian anthem. After all the sitting and waiting for them to finish all their speeches, my legs were asleep, and I couldn't stand up at first; MY LEGS HAD ACTUALLY BOTH FALLEN ASLEEP! Sparky (who was in the form class in front of me) had to help me stand up and stop me from falling back over again. Classes weren't as boring. I might hate math, but my math teacher knows how to win over his students. Mr Mathews got us to all play a game where we had to toss paper balls into the bin. In the end, the winning team got two chocolates each, and the other team got one, so even if you lost, you still got chocolate; so, really, it's a win-win. You just end up with more chocolate if you win. It ended up being girls versus boys. There were fewer girls than boys, so some of the girls got extra throws to make up for it; most of the girls in my class were less than impressed with their tossing skills. Chloe was okay. She got the paper in the basket more than once, along with two or three other girls. Everyone else was lucky to get it in the basket the one time. So in the end, we obviously lost, but again, it's about the chocolate, not the game... and it's also about the fact we didn't have to do any real maths.

We did get homework, though. I mean, HOMEWORK? On the FIRST DAY? Whyyyy! It's so cruel! Speaking of which, it needs to be done for tomorrow, so I'm going to go spend the next... what? 6 hours trying to figure out what Y and X is. What is the meaning of X? What is the meaning of Y? Who decided that they needed to go missing in the first place!?

Later diary... wish me luck...

I'm gonna need it.

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