Day 72

9 1 0

25 February 2018
Sunday 12:21pm

I'm at Ollys, he's washing the hair dye out at the moment; but something weird is going on...Lolly just sent me a video messenge and it's about all these people waiting around in a hospital E.R to get seen and they all look really sick... I'm not sure where the video was taken but I hope it wasn't anywhere in Australia. It was kinda serial, the sort of thing you'd expect to see in a movie or something. People were running around the E.R waiting room, from one room to the other back and forth over and persons face had gone a blueish-purple colour, I don't think he was breathing...or if he was it wasn't very well. Olly said not to pay it any mind, that it was some sort of trailer for a new movie coming up more than likely. Oliver is usually right about this sort of stuff so I'm just gonna forget about it, no use in getting over worked about nothing right?

Ahh...Oliver has a merged from the bathroom with his bright red hair, even remembered to do his eye brows this time. That was a fun week; Oliver had to book a second appointment to get them done because he forgot to get them done at the same time; so for a week he had blond eye brows with shocking fire truck red hair. I have to admit one thing though...he's right about how much better his green eye's suit his red hair compared to his original sandy blond.

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