Day 100

6 2 0

25 March 2018
Sunday 9:33am

So Olly being the little devil he is stayed up with me last night, which in its self isn't anything bad...only it meant he had me cornered so I ended up talking to him about... that day. And he told me everything I knew he would. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. You did what you needed to do. If you don't stop being stupid I'll punch you. Yup the Olly things. And it...didn't really make a difference. Just like I thought it wouldn't, I told him I was sorry and that I wouldn't think about it anymore. And he looked at me accusingly and then told me 'good'. There didn't seem to be as many around last night. Which is really good. Maybe, just maybe we will be okay here. I'm going for a nice nap though now. Stefan is awake so he'll keep an eye out while everyone else is still asleep.

Same Day

I slept the whole day AND NO ONE WOKE ME UP?!?!?! What even? I'm so hungry...I'm gonna go get something to eat...then I'm gonna smack Olly over the head for letting me sleep so long. Now I won't sleep tonight *pretends to cry*...oh god I'm turning into Oliver with the amount of drama I am producing, the horror.

Apparently Olly told everyone to let me sleep...I feel SO awkward it is not funny. I wanna pummel him in the face.
What the actual fuck Oliver Prescott. When I get a hold of him...once I finish my cheese sandwiches...I'm gonna beat him in the face.

Whoa the anger is I'll just ask first 'what the fuck' and then I'll punish him in the face...yeah that sounds good...

What the fuck... there's someone outside...screaming...I'm gonna go see wh


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