Day 119

5 1 0

13 April 18
Friday 3:29pm

I made it out of the city an hour ago; I'm in Laidley at the moment. I had some trouble with the whole 'be ninja quite' and got chased for a little bit today but I lost the few that started chasing me. There were maybe 5 of them? Way too many to handle alone but, like I said I got away. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going, still have the stupid referdex and it's heavy as in my back pack. I'm gonna try and stick to walking through smaller towns. Less populated areas. Still don't have an end goal...but I can't just stay in one place. The longer I am in one place the higher the chance the zombies will find me. Speaking of which I need to get going again, it's still day light and I have maybe 2 hours to find somewhere safe to stay for the night before it gets dark. They seem to come out more in the dark... it's creepy.

Same Day

Okay so I didn't quite make it into a house before night fall...but I made it into a house! I'm in Head St. I couldn't make out many details of the place from outside because...I was concentrated on getting inside; but at least I know the windows weren't broken. That's why I chose this place. The door was unlocked and the garage door was open so it was pretty easy to get into. Who ever lived here was alive when they left, there are photos missing from the wall and a bunch of other things out of place that would be held up by other things usually like some books on the book case; maybe it had photo albums on it? After I searched the house I locked up everything I could and made sure I knew where every possible exit was, just in case of emergency.. I'm in a bedroom in the back at the moment, it's across from the bathroom and there's a back door down the hallway a little bit. The room might have belonged to a little girl I think. There's a doll house just past the door and a pair of bunk beds. Across from the bottom bunk there is a window showing the back yard and a small pink TV underneath it with some Barbie stickers on it. The curtains have colourful shapes all over them with a white background. I already pulled them shut and I'm on the top bunk at the moment. I locked the bedroom door as well in case. The window is a sliding window without a fly screen or any type of bars. It's not a small fall to the ground out of it but it's short enough that in an emergency I could just jump out the window. I set my camping back in front of it for a quick pick up in case of that emergency.

I had some trouble again while I was moving past the high school. I caught unwanted attention from one of the zombies in a window...who then fell out the window trying to get to me attracting more attention. Remember that kitchen knife I grabbed back at Olly's? Yeah... I was glad to have that today. I would have been a great dinner for those guys otherwise. One of the zombies chasing me was girl in a uniform, probably just a little younger than me. She had a chunk of her long brown hair missing and the rest was all in tangles and knots. See what did I say about long hair? It gets you's easy to grab on to, easy to pull you back with; easy to pull you close enough to grab a hold of the rest of you...easier to get bitten with.  I had to stab her...she wouldn't let go of my leg. I was trying to climb through a window into another house that I had then planed to run out of into the opposite direction they were in. She kept snapping at my boots and trying to pull me back. The others were getting closer so, I stabbed her in the eye I figure it would be easier to stab her there...and it was, I still needed to put a lot of umpf into it though, damn I don't remember it being that hard to stab the last guy? Although...I don't remember if I kill the last guy or not, just that I stabbed him. Her I needed dead or...well... completely dead I mean. I kicked her in the head with my good ankle to get the knife back before I crawled in the window. There were so many in the high school, it hasn't been long enough for any of them to start moving on to other places yet I'm pretty sure. How long has it been since it started? A month? Yeah. Tomorrow it will be a month... or at least it's been a month since all of this shit broke out at school. I imagine it's been going on longer...just no one talked about it. If I can...I think I'm going to stay here for a few days. I can hear them walking around outside even though I'm at the back of the house, there's so many of them that the noise is traveling in the rest of the silence. It should be fine for me to stay here. As long as I'm quiet that is.

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