Day 243

4 1 0

14 August 2018
Tuesday 3:19pm

The others have been talking about the Z that almost made it into camp the other day. What if we hadn't put up a sound line? We wouldn't have heard it; it would have crept in and could have killed someone. It also could have kept going I guess but either way I'm glad we didn't have to find out. Nancie and Cory were curious about what happened but I figured it would be better not to tell them so I told them an animal got tangled up and Nate and the others had to go save it. They seemed to be okay with that answer and left it at that, continuing on with their day as normal. I let the others know so they wouldn't scare the kids unnecessarily. Nothing happened so they don't need to know. Nathan agreed it was a good choice, and went along with it.

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