Day 212

5 1 0

15 July 2018
Sunday 1:32pm

Today was a very nice day, it wasn't cold or hot; just cool. There are clouds but not enough to show a storm is about to be unleashed. At least not weather wise, a storm was definitely unleashed today. I found a pair of old sheers in one of the houses today that and elderly lady let me take. First I did my hair and honestly it feels so good having short hair in this breeze. Nathan's hair being only just shorter than mine didn't take too long to do. You'd think that after 4 months without washing his hair it would be all greasy and knotted but his chocolate strands were just soft and dry. It felt kinda nice to run my fingers through it and I almost got lost in the feeling...almost. Cory seemed in different to the hair cut and really just wanted it done quickly so he could go back to playing; his thick dark hair was easy to go through. The real challenge was Nancie. Like I considered earlier she was having none of it. Apparently I am a heathen, and cutting her hair was  a travesty; a sin against the world. At first Nathan had to hold her down until I made the first slice in her long tangled blonde curls. After that she sat still while I evened them back out, making comments about the horrid thing I had done to her. Like how dare I torture her like that? She'd rather be sick like the others then have her hair cut off. I am such a horrible person. I'm sure she'll get over it. With enough complements on her new hair style she'll move on and be happy with the short hair. After all, I think she looks adorable. It's stylish yet practical! Maybe I should keep the small sheers for when we leave, after all they are very useful. I'm gonna talk to the kids tonight after dinner about us leaving sooner rather than later. They may not be happy with it but, I feel they'd be happier with their brother. I'm excited to see the others. I just wanna hug my friends and be with them.

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