Day 154

4 1 0

18 May 2018
Friday 4:36pm

I'm so glad we are out of that bathroom! The sun has started to set earlier now that its autumn, by winter this time of day will be sunset. We found a small house that wasn't too busted up for us to spend the night in. Nate is looking through that old referdex for the best way to his cousin's place from here; apparently he found a short rout that means we only have a few days walk from here. And from there we will head back through the way we came and then go down to New South Wales. I guess he's just as hopeful that everyone else is okay and that we'll all meet up along the way or when we get there? I know it's a bit of a dream to hope that everything will turn out fine, but I don't wanna think about the possibility that this world is even worse off than it already is. I mean there has to be lots of people who have survived and are fighting my friends must still be out there doing that too right?

All I really have now is hope and belief.

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