Day 273

5 0 0

13 September 2018
Thursday 4:30pm

We've been walking for five days now and we are in a city somewhere I'm not sure I wasn't paying attention to where. I relieved my map duties to Nathan, yes I'm lazy. I don't care. I hated reading that thing. We are resting again at the moment, it will be dark very soon and Nate needs to readjust the map for where we are or something like that. I'm glad it's just a small city we are walking through right now I don't particularly feel like walking into a big city that was once filled to its brims with people who would all be dead thanks I'm good. The kids are complaining about their feet again but there isn't much I can do to help. We are staying in a small house so the kids in particular can rest and feel more secure. They are asleep at the moment on the bed. Liz is sleeping on the floor next to Cory's side of the bed, I'm against the wall in front of the bed and Nate is at the table with the map at the moment.  He looks exhausted but everyone does.

Nancie just had a nightmare about zombies eating a horse; I really hope she doesn't remember in the morning. She was still half asleep while she was talking so she shouldn't remember. Winter is my favorite season and it's not that cold tonight but they say the colder the winter the hotter the summer. Winter has been pretty bad this year considering and spring is coming up soon, it's already starting to warm up a little. Soon enough summer will be right on our toes, I don't know how we are going to get the kids anywhere in the heat that the Australian sun brings. Summer is our raining season but it is also our drought and fire season. Hopefully we get where we are going before summer hits.

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