Day 61

9 1 0

14 February 2018

Wednesday 7:36 pm

Hello diary, yes today is the day! (Or was the day) I stuff my face with ice cream and chocolate with Olly and Sparky while we complain about guys and how lonely we are... for the last 3 years, we've been giving each other valentines gifts to make up for the lack of missing-non-existent-boyfriends that none of us has; all the while knowing very well that Lolly and Stefan are probably out doing god knows what together alone. I just gave the two chocolate roses this year... cause that's all I could afford, hehe... Sparky got Olly and me a little teddy bear each, and Olly being Olly bought us each a movie about single life... nice job mate... just wow. It's funny, though; Sparky and I only ever complain about being single ON Valentine's Day; otherwise, we really could care less. WE WANT TO BE PART OF THE MAJORITY OF COMPLAINERS! It's not fair they get to complain, and we can't... so we do. Whereas Olly is always complaining about guys and how they need to man up and how he wants a partner but then goes on about how he doesn't need a man to be awesome. He continues to contradict himself. Again I asked Kena if she wanted to come over to watch movies and hang out with us, but she said she wasn't feeling well; I told her I would give her some chocolate to make her feel better next time I see her, and she laughed. Chocolate fixes everything. Don't dis the power of chocolate!

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