Day 159

4 1 0

23 May 2018
Wednesday 10:42am

There's no one here... should have figured as much. The glass back door was busted in and there's blood scraped across it, where from one of the infected or from someone who lived here I can't tell. There's a hole in the floor where some wood broke and a line of blood down the hallway as if someone had been dragged by their feet. Nate has been very quiet since we got here. I mean we are usually quiet but it's a different silence. It use to be a mutual understanding, it kinda felt like we didn't need to talk to know what we were thinking about doing next as we moved about; this silence was just plain awkward. I feel like I need to say something...but what can I say? 'Hey I know your families dead but everything's fine! We're alive so there's a plus!' As if. And asking if he's 'okay' is not just rhetorical in a situation like this but it's also just plain stupid. He's not okay, no one is.

Same day 4:18pm

We are staying here for the night and heading out in the morning. Since the back door is busted we are staying in the same room so we can deal with anything that happens more efficiently. He said this was his cousin's room, he offered me the bed since...and I quote 'I'm the girl'. Seriously? That is SO sexist. I can sleep on a couch! I would have said something but he just had this look on his face, and he was so quiet when he talked. Almost just above a whisper. His usual silvery voice sounded almost brittle, like he might break at any second. I can almost understand how he would feel, I don't know how my parents are; probably dead but again I would never know all I can do is hope. And that's what he had done I think. Hoped that someone in his family had survived this nightmare only to find an abandoned gore-ridden house. He's just staring at the blank TV screen processing everything. I wanna take his mind off of everything even if it's just for a little bit, but I don't know how to do that. At the very least this place runs on tank water he said...maybe if he has a shower he'll feel better? Showers always made me feel better when I need to process something or think something over. I'm gonna go suggest that.

Same day 5:56pm

I was right about the shower making me feel better, I don't know about him though. He seemed kind of excited when I mentioned we could shower and smiled a little. His silver-blue eyes lit up like tiny little stars for a moment. He took the first shower and then led me to his cousin Sarah's room so I could have some clean clothes; seeing as he took some of his cousin Matt's to use. And I'm not going to lie it was like a little shopping trip in her bedroom and for once I actually enjoyed it, my clothes were so gross. Now that I'm in clean ones looking at them is real eye opening. Hole worn and torn in from being caught on things or having to fight of the dead. Blood stains from bashing heads in and other...stuff. There is only so much you can do in an apocalypse for your hygiene. Only so many rivers or ponds you can come across that aren't going to get you infected either. Anyway my new clothes aren't too flashy or anything. A red and black flannel long sleeve button yup, some light blue skinny jeans and a black tank top. I would have liked to grab something less baggy and grabby but it's getting too cold to go around in leggings and a tank top. I also grabbed a grey beanie as well and some new socks. Her shoe size was so much smaller than mine though so no new shoes or anything just my old black sand shoes from school. Even Nathan ended up grabbing clothes that more suit the weather, black long sleeve t-shirt, grey jacket and some blue jeans. The best thing I found was new underwear funnily enough. My mother once told me that an old man who use to work in her building would wear the same pair of underwear for a week before turning them out the other way and wearing them again for a week and then toss them away just to start the process over again. At first I couldn't imagine doing that but now when underwear is in very limited supply and there aren't many opportunities to wash your clothes...I can imagine it. And it's not a nice image.

It's getting really dark so I'm gonna have to stop writing for the night. Goodnight diary.

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