Day 379

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28 December 2018

I'm sorry I just needed to get everything straightened out in my head before I wrote anything. I was having a little trouble placing all of the events that happened at first but I'm pretty sure I have them all down now. I don't think I'm forgetting anything anymore; I hope. But if I thought last Christmas had bad news, damned if I wasn't shocked to find out this one was worse.

I ended up skipping dinner that night and when Jessica came back she brought a block of Cadbury chocolate. A whole block. She said it was a gift from her mum to us for Chrissy. She had been saving it for herself after my uncle gave it to her but that she wanted us to have it. She ended up convincing me to go with her over to the guys to share it with them. It was pouring outside and outside the tent you could barely hear yourself think over the rain and thunder. When we got there Oliver tried to kick me out but the others managed to get him to calm down. We ended up just sitting and relaxing talking like we use to, well kind of like we use to. The points of conversation were much different but the fact that we were almost carefree for a few minutes after a good ice-breaker. It was more than we had been able to have in over a month. Oliver even stopped glaring at me for a few minutes as we enjoyed the dark sweet treat. That however, was when all hell broke loose. Menzies had come in apparently one of the guys watching the boy's tent had gone and told him we had gone in. And because I wasn't at dinner it looked suspicious, when he saw the chocolate he figured we had stolen it. And the first thing he did was grab me by the hair and drag me out of the tent and smash my face into the muddy ground. He started yelling and held a knife to my throat asking what else we had stolen. The rest of my friends were placed onto their knees with weapons aimed to kill them if they moved. My uncle came along with Stephanie and she tried to explain she had given it to us but they didn't believe her. They figured she was covering for us. And Menzies started saying how he believed we were traitors and that you can't trust children. He told them that he believed we didn't deserve to be a part of their group, but because we knew where it was they couldn't just let us go. Oh no. It would be a much better idea if they killed us. My uncle told him to calm down and for everyone else to step back. The others did what he said, but then Menzies turned on my uncle saying how he had gone soft now that he had 'two little girls' to look after. Most of the conversation was lost to the sound of rain but I could still pick up the important bits. We had managed to get off the floor while they were arguing and my uncle told us to go back to our tents...but be for any of us could move; Menzies had pulled out a gun and without bothering to aim he shot. He didn't care where the bullet went he wanted to prove a point. And he did. The gun was aimed at Oliver, but it wasn't Oliver that the gun killed. Sebastian jumped in front of him and he was shot in the back of the head. And trust me when I tell you that was only the beginning.

With the pure amount of adrenaline that pumps through your veins in those moments, coupled with the loud thunder, pouring rain and screaming. The flash's of lighting adding to all your over loaded senses. Time stopped for a moment almost as if I had blacked out. And then slowly everything would start to move around you as your brain starts to rewire and reboot itself. The sound still invisible to your ears and bodies start to move around you. It wasn't until Jess grabbed me and shook me that I completely snapped back into reality. Everything had caught up to each other both visual and sound. And slowly chaos had started to unfold. People who followed my uncle fought against those who stood with Menzies. And the four of us were left in the middle. When we made it to Oliver and Nathan we had to pry Oliver from the ground and drag him. We had been making a break for the car when I was grabbed again. Menzies pulled me by my jacket and started dragging me on the ground while people were killing each other around us. He would tell me to stop squirming and to except death because it was what I deserved. And because if anything he was being kind by taking me out of such a harsh world. I managed to get my jacket off and I crawled to get away when someone grabbed my arm I have no idea who he was, I couldn't see his face it was too dark for that and my vision was blurred from the water. I did however manage to see the sledge hammer racing down to meet my head. He managed to clip me in the side of the head and I went down hard. I could hardly open my eyes at this point. I'm not sure what happened next but I felt a heavy weight land on me and when I turned over it was a man. Specifically the one who had hit me. I pushed him off with great trouble but before I could get up Menzies pulled me back towards him and towards the zombie pit. I had slipped over and was hanging head first into the hole and all I could see were faces staring up at me without stretched hands trying to pull me in. Menzies made a crude joke about Lorrile and how she wanted to see me again. And about 'what sort of person would he be if he didn't help the poor girl out'. I could feel my back slipping further on the mud beneath me into the hole, so it didn't surprise me much when the ground gave way and we both went tumbling in. He landed on top of me inside the pit and by then the pit was up to thighs height in muddy water from all the rain that day. I was drowning under him. I can't explain just how painful it is to breath in water. I had always heard that if you just let yourself breath it in peacefully then it was very calm and it didn't hurt at all; but I didn't want to die there. So letting myself give in and just breath in calmly wasn't an option. It felt like hours before I felt him stand up and stumble backwards. I had started to drift a bit under the water but as soon as his hands had realized my throat and body; I was out of that water and backing away. All the Zombies in the pit had started to close around him and were chowing into Menzies. I was so focused on the scene in front of me I almost missed the person screaming my name above the scene. My head wasn't clear enough then to recognize the voice but I could make out the handle of the sledge hammer that had been dropped. Someone had been holding it down for me to use to grab onto so they could pull me up. And when I got up they had to pretty much drag me out of the area and over to the others who were waiting by a car. I couldn't see anything by then. My eye sight had completely failed me and I was barely awake anymore. I could hear a woman screaming, I now know it had been Stephanie telling us to go. Whoever had grabbed me had tossed me in the back seat with them. I felt the ground move and that was it I blacked out completely.

It took me two days to wake up. They did try to wake me up earlier but I just wasn't getting up. They thought I had gone into a coma because of my head injury and were glad when I did wake up eventually. Apparently Jess had gone back to the tents at some point during the fight to get things we would need since the car had nothing. We always emptied it after each run. She grabbed enough water and food to last us a few days and she grabbed my back since I always kept it packed. She laughed about how I never unpacked it but that she could see why I didn't bother. I had always said we wouldn't be able to stay there long term. Because it wasn't safe. I may have given into staying there and doing what I could but I knew eventually we would leave. And she also laughed about how I still had my 'stupid' diary. Because it was in said bag. When I woke up I figured it was still back at the camp. I figured you were gone for good. Not sure if I should be happy or not that I still have you, considering what we lost compared to what we kept.  And if you wondering who saved me; I now know who it was. Nathan said it was Olly. Olly says he didn't save me though of course. He's still being stubborn. But the fact that he did that means that, he can't hate me too much right? If he wasn't willing to let me die there? He could have left me and the others wouldn't have known. He could have just said I fell in the pit and that would have been it; but he didn't. Maybe I haven't lost him after all; but we still lost Sebby.

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