Day 357

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6 December 2018

Oliver isn't doing well. No one is. Even Jessica is seemingly upset about what happened. Oliver is hell bent on killing the guy who murdered Cory. Nate and Seb have been trying to calm him down all morning. We've been locked in our tent again for trying to run away. Oliver has been throwing some really hurtful insults at us for stopping him. Say things like 'you pretended to care about him like family and now you don't care that he's dead'. And he's been pointedly snarking at me. I can see it. He blames me for Cory's death just as much as I do.

Don't tell me I lost Olly last night too.

Same day Mid-day roughly

WHY! Why does it keep on getting worse! We were told we could only leave the tent today if we were told to help out or if given permission to go to the bathroom. They even have a guard in front of the tent, but that's not the worst part. Lolly she went out to go to the bathroom and we waited for her to come back. Jessica went to check with the guard if he had seen her go somewhere and then there was screaming. So much screaming. They wouldn't let us leave but I knew that voice! That was Lolly screaming. I was so angry I thought maybe...maybe they hurt her as well. So when my uncle came in I walked straight up to him started yelling in his face demanding they bring her back, he just smirked at me and then he slapped me across the face. The pain in my jaw was nothing though compared to his words. He told us that...

He told us that Lolly had thrown herself into the zombie pit and that if I had of been a better leader, people wouldn't be dying around me. He said that all of the people who had died, their deaths were on my head. And he's right. They are. If I had of been a better friend Lolly would still be here. If I had of been smarter I would have come up with another way out so that Stefan wouldn't be dead. If I had of been a better mother figure...Cory...Cory would still be alive and Oliver wouldn't hate me.

ITS MY FAULT. All of it, I'm useless.

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