Day 329

5 1 0

8 November 2019
Thursday 12:56pm

I was so right! Uluru wasn't very far from us the other day. We ended up stumbling across it the s'morning. We are sitting at the top at the moment. I pointed out that it would be both educational for Cory to learn about the place a little and a great vantage point to see more of our surroundings. Of course those were total lies I just wanted to slide down Uluru. So that's what I will do once we go to leave. I remembered a story I heard on YouTube once, apparently it's extremely bad luck to take rocks from Uluru. When tourists use to come here many would pick up rocks from the place as souvenir, but by the time they had traveled home things would start to happen. And while it all could just be coincidence; bad things happened to many people who took rocks from Uluru. And it got to the point people would send the rocks back to Australia to Uluru with a letter of apology asking for the bad luck to end saying they would never do it again. I don't know if bad things stopped happening to them after that but I thought it was interesting. I wonder if I took a piece of rock from here what would happen. I mean; the world has ended what else could go wrong.

Okay stupid question literally everyone sitting with me could die and I could die. Thought I don't think it would be the rocks fault. Now back to the important question, do I slide down the hill as if I'm skiing? Or do I just roll down it? That would be fun as well. I haven't rolled down a hill since I was in primary school, wait no I did it once at a picnic I think a few years ago with Olly. Either way it's been a long time and this is definitely the perfect hill to roll down. If I ski down I might trip and face plant...that won't be fun at all. That settles it I'm rolling down. I must now chart my course down the hill, fair well for now diary!

Note to my future self and to anyone who may find this in the future...
Don't roll down Uluru. There was so much dirt. It's everywhere...ITS LIKE SAND. It's just like sand, DON'T DO  IT! I ripped my pants as well...I just got these last month!

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