Day 286

4 1 0

26 September 2018
Wednesday 11:23am

Nathan found the keys to the car under the seat while the rest of us were sleeping the s'morning and it turns out the car still works. There isn't an abundance of petrol but it's enough to get us somewhere. The kids are still asleep in the back and have no idea the car is moving, I wish we could get to the property by just driving the whole way as planned. I hope we get further by car with the petrol we have; compared to what we would by foot in the time we have. With the roads how they are its unknown how far we will actually get though. It's much safer for us to stay inside the car rather than walking like we have. On the nights we can't find shelter to rest in we end up staying out in the open, Nate and I usually switch off on watch while the other sleeps; but this way we are always sheltered and always moving. Maybe we can find petrol in other cars to keep it moving? Though we don't have anything to put it into for the move between fuel tanks. It's gonna suck when we have to walk again.

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