Day 10

38 1 0

25 December 2017

Monday 10:28 am

Oh my god, it's finally Christmas! I've literally been waiting all year for this day! Mum and dad aren't up yet, which is annoying me... I really, really, REALLY wanna open my presents.

I know there isn't a Santa, obviously, but still, Christmas is always exciting. Once the three of us have all opened our presents, we always go over to my auntie Helen's place and have lunch with everyone and by everyone, I mean my family, my aunt's family and my grandparents. My auntie is my mother's sister, and my uncle is my dad's brother; I don't see him very often, and my dad's parents died when I was very young. So I only spend Christmas with my family and my mother's family. It's not a lot of people compared to my friend Oliver's, but it's family, and I'm great full to even have that. Oliver, though, has a massive family, and they bring all of their family and their friends to Olly's parent's house for Christmas. I was over at their place one Christmas, and his house was just stacked full of people everywhere. There were these two girls that I'm pretty sure were his cousins that apparently always steal all of the desserts from the freezer before anybody else can get to them. I found out what I was told was 'the hard way' because they had eaten all of the desserts and people only got fruit after lunch for dessert; it was hilarious as hell. They were yelling about how they had stolen the key to the lock on the freezer right out of Oliver's sister's dress pocket. Oliver didn't find it very funny, though; he said it was one of the only few things he tried to look forward to on that day. The dessert. I don't think Oliver likes his family very much. Although I guess I can see why his mum's not very empathetic towards him and his dad is hardly there, and on top of that, his siblings are a pain in the neck. I admire that he still tries to get along with them, though.

Oh, dad just woke up! Talk later!

 5:52 pm

Hey, I'm back! So after mum and dad finally woke up we opened our presents! I got a new iPod! My old one got stolen a little while ago, so I'm excited that I have something to download music onto now. My phone doesn't download music, and even if it did, I would only be able to have maybe 2 or 3 songs on it, I would guess. It doesn't have a lot of memory data space, but now I have a new iPod, so I can listen to music again at school and stuff; I just have to be more careful this time.

Also, I almost forgot, although it probably isn't something most would forget, but on the way to my aunty's house, there was this massive car accident; 4 cars got completely wiped out by a learner driver. I'm not sure if anyone made it out, but I hope they are okay if they did. The cars... they were completely destroyed from the outside. One of the car's whole front had been smashed in, and the engine was on fire; another car looked like a can of soft drink that had been squished in from both sides, and the learner driver's car was in a tree. I couldn't see most of the learner's car, and I couldn't see the fourth car other than part of the boot, and one of the wheels was down the road a fair way. You wouldn't think that something like this would happen on a day that's meant to be happy, but I guess that's reality for you. It takes cheap shots.

After we got to my aunties, though, the whole mood seemed to turn around, which I'm glad for because I didn't want another lecture about how I need to drive safely in the future and drive for the other drivers on the road and not just myself. I've had enough of those; I get it already. Auntie Helen had decided this year for fun we would play badminton, which I totally won! Yup... that's my story, and I'm sticking to it... I totally didn't hit the little plastic thing and smash it straight into my grandfather's face... giving him a bloody nose... nope... that didn't happen. Hehe, anyway, lunch was pretty good. They did talk about the accident for a few minutes, but then they just said it was bad luck and moved on; there isn't really anything we can do, though, is there? It's already happened. Haaa... I need to just forget about that accident. I'm glad I didn't see anyone from in the cars, although I know there would have been people in them. Did they die? Did they just get hurt and taken to the hospital? I guess I won't know. Unless they put it on the news later on, but I doubt a 4 car pile-up is newsworthy these days, you know, with all those cute cat videos out there and stuff (Note the sarcasm).

Anyway, I'm gonna go have a shower and have dinner. Probs will end up watching a movie with my parents depending on what's on TV; we might just end up watching some sort of horror movie knowing my mum.

Merry Christmas Diary. Night night

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