Day 48

11 1 0

1 February 2018

Thursday 4:56 pm

So in science class today, we were talking about DNA and stuff and what sort of things DNA does in our body?...or something to that effect; I'm not really a science buff... I don't really get it, but Mrs Annekie was pulling up videos from YouTube about the flu virus and talking about how our body has a natural defence that counters stuff like that, but sometimes it doesn't actually stop the virus, and that's how things like Ebola and the Black Plague happen. Because one thing eventually leads to another, and if your body hasn't got what it needs to stop the virus, then it won't stop it. That's when she started talking about vaccinations and stuff like that, and she brought up videos about people who are giving interviews about being against vaccinations and why they are against them. I don't personally really have a view on vaccinations. I mean, yeah, they help keep you healthy, but vaccinations are made from a live virus... so you have to put the virus into your body a few times, and then eventually, you won't get sick from it in the future because your body already knows how to ward it off, but it's a double-edged blade... the thing you're trying not to get sick from, your purposely putting into your own body; running the risk of getting that sickness from the vaccine. I'm not sure if it's a bad thing or not to be vaccinated; I just don't want to get sick, and if that means I have less of a chance of getting sick because I got stuck with a needle? Then I'm kinda glad my parents got me vaccinated. I think everyone is open to their own opinions. Just so long as, in the end, people don't get hurt, what's the point in hurting people, right?

I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore; even re-reading it, it still sounds like absolute nonsense to me. Nothing but confusion going on in my head right now... it's so exhausting thinking about that sort of stuff. And it gets people in so much trouble no matter what side you're on... like, what even? One person says they have the right to believe whatever the fuck, the other person says the same thing, and then they both tell each other they are wrong??? It's so confusing and frustrating. Even in class, everyone was getting all riled up about it (even the kids who had less understanding of it than I do). At one point, two boys were practically screaming from across the classroom at each other... so I kinda just shrunk in my desk... and pretended I wasn't there.

I don't think there will ever be a standstill on a subject like vaccination ever in the world. Because everyone thinks they are right, and neither really wants to understand the other side's point of few.

On a lighter note... Barbie 2.0 tore her shirt at school today, haha; she was messing around in front of one of the school bathrooms. The school bathrooms where the sinks are is all open so teachers can see if students are wagging class. She was standing in front of the metal mesh that kinda acts like a window into the bathroom, and her shirt got caught on it. She was waiting for boys to come out of the bathroom and showing off with her friends, and when she eventually went to walk away, BAM! Her shirt ripped at the back! Tore a big piece out of the back of her shirt; I was standing in the tuck shop line when it happened; when she turned around, everyone could see the back of her bra because of the way her shirt had been torn. Now I don't usually laugh at things like this, but she's a straightforward bitch, and karma does as karma likes. She only ever stands there because then she can pick on people she doesn't like, and any of the guys she shows off to, she can then turn around and call them a creepy stalker. Apparently, she got one guy suspended last year because her friends tripped him over, and he landed in front of her while she was wearing a skirt. They told the teacher he was trying to take photos of her underwear, and her being who she is was believed over the poor guy. That's gotta be bullying at a max, right? Who even does that shit to people?

Oh... mum's home; gotta go. I still have lots of homework to do... another thing, WHY SO MUCH HOMEWORK, TEACHERS?! Why?

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