Day 315

4 1 0

25 October 2018
Thursday 10:42 am

We are going to head out soon, the plan is still to make it to Oliver's Uncles property there we can set up and be safe for longer than a few weeks. I still don't think it will be an indefinite stay but maybe I'm wrong, it would be nice for a change. Cory was upset about having to do some work with everyone today;he wanted to play with a soccer ball he found in one of the rooms. I told him he could play after he finished helping pack up his things. He told me he didn't wanna pack up because he didn't want to leave. At first Olly tried to intervene and Cory shot him down like a target. It wasn't until he ran over to Nathan who was packing up the food supplies with Stefan that he started listening. He complained and asked if he could play, Nathan looked at me and just put his hand on Cory's head to mess up his hair a bit telling him to listen to me. Then Cory let out a big sigh complaining about how all dads have to listen to mums and how Nathan is under my spell like his other mum and dad were. He then walked off to our room leaving us all in a little shock. The only thing Stefan took from that was asking if Cory really calls us mum and dad. He does sometimes and other times he calls us by name. Olly came up and learnt on my should and asked if he could call us mum and dad too. To which I politely shoved my hand in his face pushing him away. I reminded him if he did that then I would be in charge, then he backed off quickly complaining that I would make him do horrible jobs. Which I probably would just to abuse the power! We still have somethings to pack up but we will be leaving tomorrow early in the morning, the earlier the better. The longer we have sunlight on us the better chance of us finding somewhere to stay for the night as we journey forwards.

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