Day 203

10 1 0

6 July 2018
Friday 4:26pm

Today was not a day I ever expected. Some other survives ran into us, just a small group; but it was who was in the group that had me so excited. We found Cory and Nancie, Olly's little brother and sister. Their teacher Elizabeth found them hiding under a stair case together and managed to save them. If only Oliver were here to see that they were okay. The small group can also see, the small peace and quiet that we have here and have decided to stay. I don't know how long for though. Eventually we will be moving out though and hitting the road again, however the two siblings will be joining us. We'll get them back to their big brother safely. I don't think I have ever been hugged so tightly before by fact I've never been hugged by them. Cory was always off playing video games and Nancie off with her dolls. You know? Normal 8 and 10 year old things? I asked them if they wanted to stay in the house with Nate and I and they agreed so they are in a back room together at the moment reading a book together. I kinda just got used to it being just the two of us now, so I'm going to have to get use to it being the four of us. I'm a little worried though about how we will go with resources though and rationing. It's okay to give ourselves less food and water then we need because we can handle more than a child would. But rationing a child's food always has bad results. Maybe I'll ration my own food a bit more and give them some of mine on top. We'll have to carry extra on as well. It's about a month's walk to where we are heading. Everything should be fine. We can do this; it's not just our sakes anymore it's for those two as well.

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