Day 346

6 1 0

25 November 2018
Sunday 12:33pm

I was right, we shouldn't be here. Everything is going so wrong! We can't stay! We can't! They're horrible! They're horrible people! How could they!

We...we were out with them getting supplies. That's all we were doing and we hadn't seen any in weeks. Why...did they show up now. We all got cornered and then...then they... they shot Stefan...THEY SHOT HIM. They shot him in the leg and they threw him at them...they left him there to die. We...left him. Once they had him there wasn't anything we could do and the other group was already running and so we just, we ran. There was nothing we could do.

Lolly...she still doesn't know. Oh god she'll never forgive us. She'll hate us for leaving him.

I hate them...I hate them all. We need to leave tonight.

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