Day 144

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8 May 2018
Tuesday 8:38 am

It's getting pretty cold already and it's only autumn. I'm not looking forward to winter. This house I'm in is not built for these conditions; I'm freezing my ass off in here. I need to find a better location then this to stay in; a house with a fully functional roof would be great. I'm just lucky I found this house before night fall last night...if you can even call it a house. It's more like a box with holes in it. I was so tired last night all I could do was curl up under my blanket and pass out, what I wouldn't do for a heater and a cup of hot chocolate right now. Once it warms up a bit I need to find a better place of shelter...what am I gonna do in winter? It will be freezing. I may need to find somewhere soon that I can hold out in through winter. Somewhere that a hoard won't destroy in seconds, somewhere I can hide...preferably with four walls a floor and a roof.

Same day 6:31pm

I saw that damn dog again today and luckily, it didn't see me. At least I'm pretty sure it the same dog, it had the wounded front leg but its face was all...rotted. One of its eyes was pure white and the other was all blood shot. It was like the pupil and iris just disappeared entirely. I'm pretty sure it's infected, but I don't know how. Most diseases that people get animals can't contract and vise versa, sure some things like Kennal Cough people can get from dogs. And in America people can get rabies from animals if they aren't careful, maybe someone who was infected bit a dog? Or the dog bit an infected person? I guess that just means we have to be cautious around animals now too. I have to be cautious I mean. Where are you guys?

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