Day 337

4 1 0

16 November 2018
Friday 6:02pm

Sorry I couldn't write yesterday. I was just way too sick. Sun stroke is like being cooked alive. I spent the early hours curled in a ball on the bed trying to control my dizzy nauseated body, before eventually making my way out the back to spend the rest of that morning; in fact actually the next 30 something hours with my head out over a railing because Jessica was busy shoving her head in the toilet. It was like someone had put me on a spinning tea-cup ride and just left me there for all eternity. I was curled up on the back porch in so much agony that any time someone came out to check on me, I had to fight the urge to push them away or hurl bio-acid all over them. I have never been in so much physical pain in my life. Not even the sun burn bothered me as much as this intense cramping pain that radiated through every fiber of my being. My brain felt like it had imploded and turned to mush. It was only a few hours ago that I managed to peel my body off the wooden back porch and crawl my way back to bed. Jessica is still in the bathroom at the moment. If she didn't annoy me so much I'd check on her, but I really don't need to I can hear her, she'll be fine. I'm not leaving this bed. I physically can't. God my head is pounding still. I thought I was going to die with my head stuck out a railing hanging over a puddle of my own stomach acid. What do they say? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I'm pretty sure this did neither, the sun attempted to kill me and I survived. I am not stronger though. I have no idea what I'm going on about though. I'm just gonna stop here. I can't do this right now, I'm dying.

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