Day 195

6 1 0

28 June 2018
Thursday 10:30am

I'm glad we decided to stay, winter will be here next month and who knows when we will find a place as good as this again. It was like this place literally fell from the heavens and I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts. I could do without the spiders drooping in and chasing me around but that's a very small price to pay for this luxury. We are still sleeping in the living room with the wood burner because it's so much warmer. I love snuggling into all the blankets and pillows in my comfy spot I made on the floor to sleep, while I don't know if Nate likes sleeping on the chair or not. Funny to think the floor would be so comfortable compared to the chair, although we have been sleeping on the ground in public bathrooms, in the bush, and even in a sewer at one maybe I've just gotten use to it? They say it takes a month to form a habit. While I haven't been sleeping on the ground this whole apocalypse so far, I have definitely been on the ground for a good portion of it. Pillows make it better though! I'm gonna miss these pillows when we eventually leave...

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