Day 327

4 1 0

6 November 2018
Tuesday 2:34pm

We made it to Pioneer Lookout earlier today. With every day that passes we get closer to our goal, we shouldn't be far from Martins Creek now. It's just bush land here... we probably aren't far from Uluru; I've never seen Uluru in person. I've only ever seen pictures and videos. My auntie Helen went to Uluru once years ago...if she was here she could have been our tour guide. We're stopping earlier than usual today since it's so hot. Cory isn't doing well in the heat, though none of us really are. It doesn't help that Cory forgot the hat Oliver found back at the motel. I'm just glad it's not winter anymore, the nights are cold enough out here; we don't need the added bonus. That's the great thing about desert areas, hot as hell during days and cold as all snow cones at night. I'm sorry what comparison was that brain... it's the heat getting to me, I'm becoming illiterate I'm losing all vocabulary. Cory's ankle is much better today. No swelling and no bruising. He said it's still sore to walk on though. I just hope we make it out of the deserted area soon and get back into covered areas. Walking in the open like this is dangerous for far too many reasons. The animals out here are just as deadly as the dead that walk around. At this rate Cory won't be able to run or anything even if his ankle recovers. Children feel the heat far worse than adults do, so we have to keep a special eye on him.

Stefan just caught a snake...and he wants to eat it. I can't even tell anymore if that's gross or not.

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