Day 123

5 1 0

17 April 2018
Tuesday 12:48pm

I hate sitting still, I hate waiting...for nothing. I would rather keep moving, but my foot is still so swollen. I wish I knew how to make it heal faster but all I can think of is to just stay off of it, what else is there to do? Other then the sounds of moaning and the rustling of bushes every now and then it's so quiet. And to think this area would have been filled with the bustling of cars going past, school bells sounding in the distance at lunch time or home time. It's as if none of those things ever existed in the first place. The world is just...silent now. If I could hear maybe birds chirping or the sound of anything from nature maybe it wouldn't be so bad. They say the night sky is amazing in places like the desert because there are no lights for the stars to compete with. That in cities and towns you can't hear nature because of the noise of humans, but now that we are silent nature is too. I wonder where the others are... if they are okay. Did Olly get them all out safe? I...I tried to call him, just to hear another voice. It went straight to voice mail like I thought it would, but for that moment during his voice mail; it was nice. His voice mail made me feel better about being so alone. Last night...last night I dreamt I woke up in my bed and that this had all been a dream, just a nightmare. I had started screaming and my parents came into the room and they comforted me. I told them what had happened, that the world had ended. They had disappeared and my friends were dying, that I was all alone in an abandoned house. In a place I didn't know, just wondering when I would die. And they calmed me...hugged me and gave me a kiss goodnight before leaving to go back to bed. And when I woke up again, I was back here in my nightmare only; it's not a dream. My parents aren't coming for me to save me and make sure I'm alright. They are gone. And never coming back.

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