Day 398

4 1 0

16 January 2019

I'm trying to convince the others that I'm well enough to move on. We can't stay here; we are right in the open. Jess told me last night that they had a couple of close calls while I was in Lala-land. We were just lucky a hoard didn't go through while I was incapacitated. However if it did I would hope they'd just leave me and get out safe. Though honestly I don't think they would. They would have tried to get me out as well and we all may have ended up dead because of my stupid injured ass. We need to move on while we still can. I've talk them into leaving in a week. Though I would rather it be tomorrow if anything. As long as I can walk we should move out; but I'm not exactly in a position to be making demands or decisions at the moment.

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